An ITSN is a state-based system that supports and coordinates the work of specialists who serve infant and toddler care providers. Although each state uses different strategies and approaches, the common goal is to create a community of professional development and peer support that leads to better quality experiences for infants and toddlers. You can read more about infant-toddler specialist networks nationwide on the Administration for Children and Families Office of Child Care website.
The ITSN is made possible through a partnership between the Texas Workforce Commission and The Children’s Learning Institute (CLI). The goal is to improve specialist’s and teacher’s practices and increase the availability and quality of infant and toddler care. ITSN offers specialized professional development, technical assistance, and collaboration with state programs to improve child outcomes.
The Texas ITSN has programs for specialists and teachers, and there are many infant and toddler resources available that specialists and providers can access to support children and families under the Specialists and Teacher tabs! To access free professional development for specialists (trainers and coaches), visit the Specialist Training Calendar. Teachers can access free professional development on the Teacher Training Calendar.
Through the Texas ITSN, CLI can offer resources and tools to organizations that regularly support infant and toddler teachers. We want to connect with your specialists! In addition to all the resources on our website, your organization may have access to many more tools through the state systems leveraged for the Texas ITSN. Click each button below to learn more about our Teacher and Specialist (including certification) programs.