CLI Engage Overview for ITSN Webinar



May 20, 2020


View here, or earn a certificate on CLI Engage

Watch the video at anytime here, or login to your account on CLI Engage to earn a certificate!

CLI Engage is an online platform developed by the Children’s Learning Institute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston that features many resources for infant and toddler teachers, administrators, and specialists, including professional development, classroom activities, progress monitoring tools, observation tools for specialists, and family engagement resources.

The ITSN is leveraging many resources on CLI Engage to support professional development and the new specialist toolkit. As you explore the ITSN website, you may notice links to many resources on CLI Engage.

During this session, we will share high-level information about the resources on CLI Engage. Be sure to look for our follow-up deep-dive sessions with more detailed information about all the tools on the platform.

Earning professional development on CLI Engage: Be sure to submit a ticket on the ITSN website to set-up your free account on CLI Engage. This session, and many other specialist professional development opportunities and resources, are available on the platform at no cost.

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